
June 30, 2011

Assalamualaikum wbt. Many thanks to Allah SWT ,The God who created us, The One and Only God where there is no God except Him. I bear witness that there is no God except Allah SWT and I bear witness that Muhammad SAW is His servant and His prophet.

Supplication or in other words "Du'a", it is an act of worshipping the God and praising Him as to put Him in the highest authority in our lives as His servant. Allah SWT has created us for worshipping Him only. It is He that sustains us, provides us for all our needs in abundance, guides us to a way that is straight, shows us light in the darkest hour, is closer to us than our very own soul is. He it is that gave us life, will cause us to die and will raise us again in the day of resurrection. 

His mercy encompasses the whole creation, from the atom to the biggest galaxy. He is the most merciful of those who show mercy. He does not need any of His creation rather the whole creation needs Him. Praise belongs to Allah SWT, for had He withheld from us the knowledge to praise Him for His uninterrupted kindnesses, we would have moved about in His kindnesses without praising Him and would be ones that are lost in darkness.

Everytime after we submit ourselves to our daily prayers, we will then supplicate, starting by praising Allah SWT, praying for Him to bless our prophet Muhammad SAW and His family as well as His followers, then asking Him for forgiveness for all our sins and our parents who had been taking care of us,enduring every hardship and patience since we were born.

In the Holy Quran, Surah Baqarah Ayah 186.....What a beautiful Ayah, Allah SWT says "When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (with his knowledge): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me."

The prophet SAW asked from God for everything even a shoe lace. Why did He asked Allah for a shoe lace? It is such a small thing to ask. We would think it is silly. If it is up to us, we will probably just go through our day without thinking much over such a small thing and maybe just hoping silently that suddenly a shoe lace will pop out from somewhere sooner or later but not him. Not out beloved prophet SAW. If we think about this story deeply, it actually wants to tell us about the importance of supplication in every thing we do, as it is the act of humbly knowing that the God, Allah SWT himself is in charge of everything in our lives from the smallest thing to the biggest event that could happen. Allah loves when we make du'a and ask him for His help and He will be gladly provide us to our hearts content. 

Abu Hurairah (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The supplication of every one of you will be granted only if he does not get impatient and say (for example): `I supplicated to my Rabb but my prayer has not been granted'.

Allah is The Almighty, we as His servants are in need of Him but He is self sufficient. He will not lose anything and He will still be Great as ever without our presence. So, make du'a. Do not feel tired and give up hope as the muslims greatest weapon is prayers. Believe of its strength and keep on asking Allah SWT to provide our needs not during difficult time only but during comfort too, because we will not know when the time of distress will dawn upon us. Also, put your trust and faith to the highest level when making du'a so that He knows that you are putting all your hope in only Him when making your prayers.As long as we do not ask for anything sinful or breaking ties of kinship, insyaAllah, He will grant you anything you want in your lives.

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said: "Whosoever desires that Allah answers his duas in unfavourable and difficult conditions, he should make plentiful dua in days of ease and comfort."

Okay, that's all for me now. May this entry benefit you guys alot. Till then, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi taala wabarakatuh.

wonderful Quran recitation.

June 29, 2011

salam alyk..sedap bacaan Surah Al-Hujurat ni.jom dengar sama-sama kawan-kawan~ :)

Peristiwa Israk Mikraj Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. – 27 Rejab

1. Sebelum Israk dan Mikraj
Rasulullah S. A. W. mengalami pembedahan dada / perut, dilakukan oleh malaikat Jibrail dan Mika’il. Hati Baginda S. A. W.. dicuci dengan air zamzam, dibuang ketul hitam (‘alaqah) iaitu tempat syaitan membisikkan waswasnya. Kemudian dituangkan hikmat, ilmu, dan iman. ke dalam dada Rasulullah S. A. W. Setelah itu, dadanya dijahit dan dimeterikan dengan “khatimin nubuwwah”. Selesai pembedahan, didatangkan binatang bernama Buraq untuk ditunggangi oleh Rasulullah dalam perjalanan luar biasa yang dinamakan “Israk” itu.
2. Semasa Israk (Perjalanan dari Masjidil-Haram ke Masjidil-Aqsa):
Sepanjang perjalanan (israk) itu Rasulullah S. A. W. diiringi (ditemani) oleh malaikat Jibrail dan Israfil. Tiba di tempat-tempat tertentu (tempat-tempat yang mulia dan bersejarah), Rasulullah telah diarah oleh Jibrail supaya berhenti dan bersembahyang sebanyak dua rakaat. Antara tempat-tempat berkenaan ialah:
i. Negeri Thaibah (Madinah), tempat di mana Rasulullah akan melakukan hijrah. ii. Bukit Tursina, iaitu tempat Nabi Musa A. S. menerima wahyu daripada Allah; iii. Baitul-Laham (tempat Nabi ‘Isa A. S. dilahirkan);
Dalam perjalanan itu juga baginda Rasulullah S. A. W. menghadapi gangguan jin ‘Afrit dengan api jamung dan dapat menyasikan peristiwa-peristiwa simbolik yang amat ajaib. Antaranya :
- Kaum yang sedang bertanam dan terus menuai hasil tanaman mereka. apabila dituai, hasil (buah) yang baru keluar semula seolah-olah belum lagi dituai. Hal ini berlaku berulang-ulang. Rasulullah S. A. W. dibertahu oleh Jibrail : Itulah kaum yang berjihad “Fisabilillah” yang digandakan pahala kebajikan sebanyak 700 kali ganda bahkan sehingga gandaan yang lebih banyak.
- Tempat yang berbau harum. Rasulullah S. A. W. diberitahu oleh Jibrail : Itulah bau kubur Mayitah (tukang sisir rambut anak Fir’aun) bersama suaminya dan anak-anak-nya (termasuk bayi yang dapat bercakap untuk menguatkan iman ibunya) yang dibunuh oleh Fir’aun kerana tetapt teguh beriman kepada Allah (tak mahu mengakui Fir’aun sebagai Tuhan).
- Sekumpulan orang yang sedang memecahkan kepala mereka. Setiap kali dipecahkan, kepala mereka sembuh kembali, lalu dipecahkan pula. Demikian dilakukan berkali-kali. Jibrail memberitahu Rasulullah: Itulah orang-orang yang berat kepala mereka untuk sujud (sembahyang).
- Sekumpulan orang yang hanya menutup kemaluan mereka (qubul dan dubur) dengan secebis kain. Mereka dihalau seperti binatang ternakan. Mereka makan bara api dan batu dari neraka Jahannam. Kata Jibrail : Itulah orang-orang yang tidak mengeluarkan zakat harta mereka.
- Satu kaum, lelaki dan perempuan, yang memakan daging mentah yang busuk sedangkan daging masak ada di sisi mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah lelaki dan perempuan yang melakukan zina sedangkan lelaki dan perempuan itu masing-masing mempunyai isteri / suami.
- Lelaki yang berenang dalam sungai darah dan dilontarkan batu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang makan riba`.
- Lelaki yang menghimpun seberkas kayu dan dia tak terdaya memikulnya, tapi ditambah lagi kayu yang lain. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang tak dapat menunaikan amanah tetapi masih menerima amanah yang lain.
- Satu kaum yang sedang menggunting lidah dan bibir mereka dengan penggunting besi berkali-kali. Setiap kali digunting, lidah dan bibir mereka kembali seperti biasa. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang membuat fitnah dan mengatakan sesuatu yang dia sendiri tidak melakukannya.
- Kaum yang mencakar muka dan dada mereka dengan kuku tembaga mereka. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang memakan daging manusia (mengumpat) dan menjatuhkan maruah (mencela, menghinakan) orang.
- Seekor lembu jantan yang besar keluar dari lubang yang sempit. Tak dapat dimasukinya semula lubang itu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang bercakap besar (Takabbur). Kemudian menyesal, tapi sudah terlambat.
- Seorang perempuan dengan dulang yang penuh dengan pelbagai perhiasan. Rasulullah tidak memperdulikannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah dunia. Jika Rasulullah memberi perhatian kepadanya, nescaya umat Islam akan mengutamakan dunia daripada akhirat.
- Seorang perempuan tua duduk di tengah jalan dan menyuruh Rasulullah berhenti. Rasulullah S. A. W. tidak menghiraukannya. Kata Jibrail: Itulah orang yang mensesiakan umurnya sampai ke tua.
- Seorang perempuan bongkok tiga menahan Rasulullah untuk bertanyakan sesuatu. Kata Jibrail: Itulah gambaran umur dunia yang sangat tua dan menanti saat hari kiamat.
Setibanya di masjid Al-Aqsa, Rasulullah turun dari Buraq. Kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid dan mengimamkan sembahyang dua rakaat dengan segala anbia` dan mursalin menjadi makmum.
Rasulullah S. A. W. terasa dahaga, lalu dibawa Jibrail dua bejana yang berisi arak dan susu. Rasulullah memilih susu lalu diminumnya. Kata Jibrail: Baginda membuat pilhan yang betul. Jika arak itu dipilih, nescaya ramai umat baginda akan menjadi sesat.
3. Semasa Mikraj (Naik ke Hadhratul-Qudus Menemui Allah):
Didatangkan Mikraj (tangga) yang indah dari syurga. Rasulullah S. A. W. dan Jibrail naik ke atas tangga pertama lalu terangkat ke pintu langit dunia (pintu Hafzhah).
1. Langit Pertama: Rasulullah S. A. W. dan Jibrail masuk ke langit pertama, lalu berjumpa dengan Nabi Adam A. S. Kemudian dapat melihat orang-orang yang makan riba` dan harta anak yatim dan melihat orang berzina yang rupa dan kelakuan mereka sangat huduh dan buruk. Penzina lelaki bergantung pada susu penzina perempuan.
11. Langit Kedua: Nabi S. A. W. dan Jibrail naik tangga langit yang kedua, lalu masuk dan bertemu dengan Nabi ‘Isa A. S. dan Nabi Yahya A. S.
111. Langit Ketiga: Naik langit ketiga. Bertemu dengan Nabi Yusuf A. S.
1v. Langit Keempat: Naik tangga langit keempat. Bertemu dengan Nabi Idris A. S.
v. Langit Kelima: Naik tangga langit kelima. Bertemu dengan Nabi Harun A. S. yang dikelilingi oleh kaumnya Bani Israil.
v1. Langit Keenam: Naik tangga langit keenam. Bertemu dengan Nabi-Nabi. Seterusnya dengan Nabi Musa A. S. Rasulullah mengangkat kepala (disuruh oleh Jibrail) lalu dapat melihat umat baginda sendiri yang ramai, termasuk 70,000 orang yang masuk syurga tanpa hisab.
v11. Langit Ketujuh: Naik tangga langit ketujuh dan masuk langit ketujuh lalu bertemu dengan Nabi Ibrahim Khalilullah yang sedang bersandar di Baitul-Ma’mur dihadapi oleh beberapa kaumnya. Kepada Rasulullah S. A. W., Nabi Ibrahim A. S. bersabda, “Engkau akan berjumapa dengan Allah pada malam ini. Umatmu adalah akhir umat dan terlalu dha’if, maka berdoalah untuk umatmu. Suruhlah umatmu menanam tanaman syurga iaitu lah HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH”. Mengikut riwayat lain, Nabi Irahim A. S. bersabda, “Sampaikan salamku kepada umatmu dan beritahu mereka, syurga itu baik tanahnya, tawar airnya dan tanamannya ialah lima kalimah, iaitu: SUBHANALLAH, WAL-HAMDULILLAH, WA lah ILAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU AKBAR dan WA lah HAULA WA lah QUWWATA ILLA BILLAHIL- ‘ALIYYIL-’AZHIM. Bagi orang yang membaca setiap kalimah ini akan ditanamkan sepohon pokok dalam syurga”. Setelah melihat beberpa peristiwa! lain yang ajaib. Rasulullah dan Jibrail masuk ke dalam Baitul-Makmur dan bersembahyang (Baitul-Makmur ini betul-betul di atas Baitullah di Mekah).
11x. Tangga Kelapan: Di sinilah disebut “al-Kursi” yang berbetulan dengan dahan pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S. A. W. menyaksikan pelbagai keajaiban pada pokok itu: Sungai air yang tak berubah, sungai susu, sungai arak dan sungai madu lebah. Buah, daun-daun, batang dan dahannya berubah-ubah warna dan bertukar menjadi permata-permata yang indah. Unggas-unggas emas berterbangan. Semua keindahan itu tak terperi oleh manusia. Baginda Rasulullah S. A. W. dapat menyaksikan pula sungai Al-Kautsar yang terus masuk ke syurga. Seterusnya baginda masuk ke syurga dan melihat neraka berserta dengan Malik penunggunya.
1x. Tangga Kesembilan: Di sini berbetulan dengan pucuk pokok Sidratul-Muntaha. Rasulullah S. A. W. masuk di dalam nur dan naik ke Mustawa dan Sharirul-Aqlam. Lalu dapat melihat seorang lelaki yang ghaib di dalam nur ‘Arasy, iaitu lelaki di dunia yang lidahnya sering basah berzikir, hatinya tertumpu penuh kepada masjid dan tidak memaki ibu bapanya.

x. Rabbul-Arbab lalu dapat menyaksikan Allah S. W. T. dengan mata kepalanya, lantas sujud. Kemudian berlakulah dialog antara Allah dan Muhammad, Rasul-Nya:
Allah S. W. T : Ya Muhammad. Rasulullah : Labbaika. Allah S. W. T : Angkatlah kepalamu dan bermohonlah, Kami perkenankan. Rasulullah : Ya, Rabb. Engkau telah ambil Ibrahim sebagai Khalil dan Engkau berikan dia kerajaan yang besar. Engkau berkata-kata dengan Musa. Engkau berikan Dawud kerajaan yang besar dan dapat melembutkan besi. Engkau kurniakan kerajaan kepada Sulaiman yang tidak Engkau kurniakan kepada sesiapa pun dan memudahkan Sulaiman menguasai jin, manusia, syaitan dan angin. Engkau ajarkan ‘Isa Taurat dan Injil. Dengan izin-Mu, dia dapat menyembuhkan orang buta, orang sufaq dan menghidupkan orang mati. Engkau lindungi dia dan ibunya daripada syaitan. Allah S. W. T : aku ambilmu sebagai kekasih. Aku perkenankanmu sebagai penyampai berita gembira dan amaran kepada umatmu. Aku buka dadamu dan buangkan dosamu. Aku jadikan umatmu sebaik-baik umat. Aku beri keutamaan dan keistimewaan kepadamu pada hari qiamat. Aku kurniakan tujuh ayat (surah Al-Fatihah) yang tidak aku kurniakan kepada sesiapa sebelummu. Aku berikanmu ayat-ayat di akhir surah al-Baqarah sebagai suatu perbendaharaan di bawah ‘Arasy. Aku berikan habuan daripada kelebihan Islam, hijrah, sedekah dan amar makruf dan nahi munkar. Aku kurniakanmu panji-panji Liwa-ul-hamd, maka Adam dan semua yang lainnya di bawah panji-panjimu. Dan aku fardhukan atasmu dan umatmu lima puluh (waktu) sembahyang.
4. Selesai munajat, Rasulullah S. A. W. di bawa menemui Nabi Ibrahim A. S. kemudian Nabi Musa A. S. yang kemudiannya menyuruh Rasulullah S. A. W. merayu kepada Allah S. W. T agar diberi keringanan, mengurangkan jumlah waktu sembahyang itu. Selepas sembilan kali merayu, (setiap kali dikurangkan lima waktu), akhirnya Allah perkenan memfardhukan sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam dengan mengekalkan nilainya sebanyak 50 waktu juga.
5. Selepas Mikraj
Rasulullah S. A. W. turun ke langit dunia semula. Seterusnya turun ke Baitul-Maqdis. Lalu menunggang Buraq perjalanan pulang ke Mekah pada malam yang sama. Dalam perjalanan ini baginda bertemu dengan beberapa peristiwa yang kemudiannya menjadi saksi (bukti) peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang amat ajaib itu (Daripada satu riwayat peristiwa itu berlaku pada malam Isnin, 27 Rejab, kira-kira 18 bulan sebelum hijrah). Wallahu’alam.
(Sumber : Kitab Jam’ul-Fawaa`id) Kesimpulannya, peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj bukan hanya sekadar sebuah kisah sejarah yang diceritakan kembali setiap kali 27 Rejab menjelang. Adalah lebih penting untuk kita menghayati pengajaran di sebalik peristiwa tersebut bagi meneladani perkara yang baik dan menjauhi perkara yang tidak baik. Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj yang memperlihatkan pelbagai kejadian aneh yang penuh pengajaran seharusnya memberi keinsafan kepada kita agar sentiasa mengingati Allah dan takut kepada kekuasaan-Nya.
Seandainya peristiwa dalam Israk dan Mikraj ini dipelajari dan dihayati benar-benar kemungkinan manusia mampu mengelakkan dirinya daripada melakukan berbagai-bagai kejahatan. Kejadian Israk dan Mikraj juga adalah untuk menguji umat Islam (apakah percaya atau tidak dengan peristiwa tersebut). Orang-orang kafir di zaman Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam langsung tidak mempercayai, malahan memperolok-olokkan Nabi sebaik-baik Nabi bercerita kepada mereka.
Peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj itu merupakan ujian dan mukjizat yang membuktikan kudrat atau kekuasaan Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Allah Subhanahu Wataala telah menunjukkan bukti-bukti kekuasaan dan kebesaran-Nya kepada Baginda Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Mafhum Firman Allah S. W. T. : “Maha Suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al-Masjidil Haram ke Al-Masjidil Aqsa yang telah kami berkati sekelilingnya agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat.” (Surah Al-Israa’: Ayat 1). wallahua’lam..

selawat burdah~

Assalamualaikum. lama rasa x jenguk blog sendiri.baru habis second paper harini. bz study kononnya..doakan saya untuk next paper ea kawan-kawan. :) salam ukhuwwah untuk semua..

Mentari Hidup..

June 22, 2011


June 21, 2011

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and Most Merciful. All thanks to Him for his greatness and love that we are still alive till this day, still going through our life and despite all the wars and famine out there, we are still blessed with blissful life and enjoying every minute of our lives.

Examination season is not over yet but it is nearly the end of June already. Half a year has nearly come and i feel that nothing much that i have done throughout the year. The time we had today felt so ridiculously short and sometimes when we did nothing much and it had already come to the end of day, we ended up sitting at the corner of our room, thinking back what we had done actually during the day. There is nothing special actually with today's entry, just want to remind myself and you guys in importance of reminders in our lives as muslims.

I'm not a preacher, I'm a doctor.

Most of us think that to preach is not everyone's job. To share and remind ourselves and others are not so important in our daily lives. It's the preachers job. The ones who learn islamic education and religious believe who must educate and remind others. Even when you realize its importance, you just want to run from it. Why? It's bothersome? Afraid of criticism that you might get? Don't want to be assumed as pious? Is being pious is wrong to you? If these are the thoughts that came to our mind than how will we be willingly come forward when the time of jihad finally down upon us. How will we be aware of its utmost importance and able to prioritize things in our life?

{Say: Can ye see yourselves, if the punishment of Allah come upon you or the Hour come upon you, calling upon other than Allah? Do ye then call for help to any other than Allah? Answer that if ye are truthful.} Al-An'am, verse 40.

Today when people around us are doing unshameful sins and fitnahs are all over the world, if we still do not realize the importance of sticking to the right way, and we chose to be ignorant of our surroundings who are there to blame when Allah does not want to listen to what we want to say and our prayers are not answered. Do you think we still have things to say for ourselves then?

It does not mean that if you want to advice others you have to be perfect, because if that is a must then there will not be anyone left to advice and preach because no one is perfect right? Only our prophet Muhammad SAW is but even he when making mistakes will be corrected by God Himself as proven in the holy Quran and stories in hadiths. Don't you think that our wrong doings are actually paid when we encounter hardships and troubles in our lives? As such, we all should be constantly reminded why and what is our purpose of living as a human being and justify ourselves into thinking don't we want to be in His Jannah as well?

As I aged, I tend to watch the people around me begin to change. Some for the greater good but some worsen. When i realized the true path and i had taken the path in life, i wand to be kindled with the same inspiration until the end of my time but seeing other people around me led me into thinking otherwise. Some were losing in their fight when the trouble come and some putting their hands down in despair after fighting for so long and some thinking that they had done enough, though they spent only so little time and perspiration in their da'wah, making me think will i be able to stay here? Will I be still in-wrapped in the oath i made or will i be so ignorantly and change? May God steadfast me and you in our believes, guide us till the end of our lives and dear God forbid us from being left astray and in Your wrath.

berusaha atau bertawakal~

June 19, 2011

Assalamualaikum wbt.Subhanallah besarnya rahmat Allah pada kita hamba-hambaNya.. moga sahabat-sahabat sume dapat sedikit sebanyak ilmu dengan perkongsian ni~ =)


June 18, 2011

God aNd bRain~ =)

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem science haswith God, The Almighty.He asks one of his new students to stand and.....

Prof: So you believe in God?

Student: Absolutely, sir.

Prof:Is God good?

Student: Sure.

Prof:Is God all-powerful?

Student: Yes..

Prof:My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill.But God didn't. How is this God good then? Hmm?

(Student is silent.)

Prof:You can't answer, can you?Let's start again, young fella.Is God good?

Student: Yes.

Prof:Is Satan good?


Prof:Where does Satan come from?

Student: From....God. ..

Prof:That's right.Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student: Yes.

Prof:Evil is everywhere, isn't it?And God did make everything, Correct?

Student: Yes.

Prof:So who created evil?

(Student does not answer.)

Prof:Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness?All these terrible things exist in the world, don't they?

Student:Yes, sir.

Prof:So, who created them?

(Student has no answer.)

Prof:Science says you have 5 senses you use to identify and observe the world aroundyou.Tell me, son...Have you ever  seen God?

Student:No, sir.

Prof:Tell us if you have ever heard your God?

Student: No, sir.

Prof:Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God, smelt your God?Have you ever had any sensory perception of God for that matter?

Student: No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.

Prof:Yet you still believe in Him?

Student: Yes.

Prof:According to empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your 'GOD'doesn't exist.What do you say to that, son?

Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.

Prof:Yes, Faith. And that is the problem science has.

Student:Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Prof: Yes.

Student:And is there such a thing as cold?

Prof: Yes.

Student: No sir. There isn't.

(The lecture theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student:Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, alittle heat or no heat..But we don't have anything called cold.We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can'tgo any further after that.There is no such thing as cold.Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat.We cannot measure cold.Heat is energy.Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir,just the absence of it.

(There is pin-drop silence in the lecture theatre.)

Student: What about darkness, Professor?Is there such a thing as darkness?

Prof: Yes. What is night if there isn't darkness?

Student : You're wrong again, sir.Darkness is the absence of something.You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light....But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn'tit? In reality, darkness isn't.If it were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?

Prof: So what is the point you are making, young man?

Student: Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Prof: Flawed? Can you explain how?

Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality.You argue there is life and then there is death, a good God and a bad God.You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we canmeasure.Sir, science can't even explain a thought..It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understoodeither one.To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannotexist as a substantive thing.Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it.Now tell me, Professor.Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Prof: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student:Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shakes his head with a smile, beginning to realize where theargument is going.)

Student:Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot evenprove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion,sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class is in uproar.)

Student: Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor's brain?

(The class breaks out into laughter.)

Student: Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor's brain, felt it, touched or smelt it?No one appears to have done so.So, according to the established rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol,science says that you have no brain, sir.With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room is silent. The professor stares at the student, his face unfathomable. )

Prof: I guess you'll have to take them on faith, son.

Student: That is it sir...The link between man & god is FAITH.That is all that keeps things moving & alive.

_________ _________ _________ ___  

I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. ..and if'll probably want your friends/colleagues to enjoy the same...won't you?....this is a true story, and the
student was none other than........ ..

APJ Abdul Kalam
the former president of India

taken from: Dzulkifly)

never say no to panda~

June 15, 2011

salam alyk..lawak betul iklan ni..tgk sepuluh kali pun duk tergelak sengsorang.enjoy it~ :)

p/s: credit to ahjusshhi~ :)

Can't Sleep? What to know about insomnia.. :D

Insomnia, which is Latin for "no sleep," is the inability to fall asleep or remain asleep. Insomnia is also used to describe the condition of waking up not feeling restored or refreshed. According to Dr. Mark Mahowald, Professor of Neurology at the University of Minnesota Medical School and Director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center at Hennepin County Medical Center, insomnia refers to the inability to get the amount of sleep you as an individual need to wake up feeling rested.

Insomnia can be a disorder in its own right, but often it is a symptom of some other disease or condition. Half of all those who have experienced insomnia blame the problem on stress and worry. In the case of stress-induced insomnia, the degree to which sleep is disturbed depends on the severity and duration of the stressful situation. Sometimes this may be a disturbing occurrence like loss of a loved one, loss of a job, marital or relationship discord or a tragic occurrence. Anticipation of such things as weddings, vacations, or holidays can also disturb sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep or remain asleep. Insomnia can also occur with jet lag, shift work and other major schedule changes.

If you have difficulty sleeping, it is essential to determine whether an underlying disease or condition is causing the problem. Sometimes insomnia is caused by pain, digestive problems or a sleep disorder. Insomnia may also signal depression or anxiety. Often times, insomnia exacerbates the underlying condition by leaving the patient fatigued and less able to cope and think clearly. For insomnia related to a medical condition or pain, ask your doctor about nighttime pain aids.
If your sleep trouble is confined to difficulty falling asleep, the time you are choosing to go to sleep may not be synchronized with your biological clock. The biological processes that initiate and maintain sleep in humans are active throughout the night. Opposing this sleep tendency, however, is the alerting action of the biological clock that is active throughout the day. When the biological clock is active at your scheduled bedtime, you will have sleep-onset insomnia.
The prevalence of insomnia is higher among older people and women. Women suffer loss of sleep in connection with menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Rates of insomnia increase as a function of age but most often the sleep disturbance is attributable to some other medical condition.
Some medications can lead to insomnia, including those taken for:
  • colds and allergies
  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • thyroid disease
  • birth control
  • asthma
  • pain medications
  • depression (especially SSRI antidepressants)
 Some common sleep disorders such as restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea can also lead to insomnia.
Sleep is as essential as diet and exercise. Inadequate sleep can result in fatigue, depression, concentration problems, illness and injury.

  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, and cool. Noise, light, and heat can interfere with sleep. Try using a sound machine or earplugs to mask outside noise, an open window or fan to keep the room cool, and blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out light.
  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Support your biological clock by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, including weekends. Get up at your usual time in the morning even if you’re tired. This will help you get back in a regular sleep rhythm.
  • Avoid naps. Napping during the day can make it more difficult to sleep at night. If you feel like you have to take a nap, limit it to 30 minutes before 3 p.m.
  • Avoid stimulating activity and stressful situations before bedtime. This includes vigorous exercise; big discussions or arguments; and TV, computer, or video game use. Turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed.
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Stop drinking caffeinated beverages at least 8 hours before bed. Avoid drinking in the evening. While alcohol can make you feel sleepy, it interferes with the quality of your sleep. Quit smoking or avoid it at night, as nicotine is a stimulant.

    • Use the bedroom only for sleeping. Don’t work, read, watch TV, or use your computer in bed or the bedroom. The goal is to associate the bedroom with sleep alone, so that your brain and body get a strong signal that it’s time to nod off when you get in bed.
    • Get out of bed when you can’t sleep. Don’t try to force yourself to sleep. Tossing and turning only amps up the anxiety. Get up, leave the bedroom, and do something relaxing, such as reading, drinking a warm cup of caffeine-free tea, taking a bath, or listening to soothing music. When you’re sleepy, go back to bed.
    • Move bedroom clocks out of view. Anxiously watching the minutes tick by when you can’t sleep—knowing that you’re going to be exhausted when the alarm goes off—is a surefire recipe for insomnia. You can use an alarm, but make sure you can’t see the time when you’re in bed.

      Cinta kerana Allah?

      June 13, 2011

      Sering aku mendengar kata ini “Cinta”,
      Bahkan mungkin sejak masih hingusan.
      Tapi kata “Cinta kerana Allah”
      Aku baru mendengarnya saat menapaki jinjang kuliah…
      Lalu seperti apa “Cinta kerana Allah” itu?
      Jika sekarang aku mengatakan
      “Sahabatku, aku mencintaimu kerana Allah”,
      Apa yang membuatmu mempercayai kata-kataku?
      Aku rasa bukan kerana aku menuruti semua mahumu
      Dan membiarkan kau melakukan apapun yang kau suka bukan?
      Bukan… aku rasa bukan itu…
      Maka akan aku katakan “Aku mencintaimu kerana Allah”…
      Ketika aku menyayangimu kerana akidahmu …
      Ketika aku meluruskanmu kerana tak ingin kau berbelok arah …
      Ketika aku mendo’akanmu tanpa kau tahu …
      Ketika aku berlapang dada dengan teguranmu …
      Ketika aku tersenyum untuk kebahagiaanmu …
      Ketika aku menguatkan saat kau mulai terjatuh …
      Ketika aku sekuat tenaga tanpa jemu membantumu ..
      Ketika sahutan salam menyapa saat kita bertemu …
      Ketika aku begitu cepat melupakan kesalahanmu …
      Ketika aku membuka lebar-lebar pintu maaf untukmu …
      Ketika aku menjaga rahsiamu …
      Ketika kita duduk bersama dan pembicaraan kita selalu tertuju untuk kebaikan …
      Dan Ketika terkadang aku perlu melepasmu dengan penuh keikhlasan …
      Jika Allah yang memintaku untuk mencintaimu…
      Dan aku melakukannya, dengan izin Allah dan semoga hanya kerana Allah….
      Sahabatku, apa kau juga “mencintaiku kerana Allah”?
      Maka aku akan selalu berharap…. dan semoga hanya kerana Allah….

      sumber : nurjeehan

      The Valley of The Wolves Palestine 2011

      June 11, 2011

      Salam alyk~ actually dah tgk 2 minggu lepas pun movie ni. tapi nak share jugak dgn kawan-kawan semua.. nanti jangan lupa tonton ye.. Hope you enjoy the video~ tabik spring Turki berani buat cerita camni. :)


      Assalamualaikum. How are you guys lately? My life has been really hectic nowadays. Not busy with assignments but busy preparing for this upcoming final examination. Medicine is a really wide branch to study and we cannot just study only one part of it. Well we can, but to be a good doctor you have to have the capability to study it as a whole. This year, I studied Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Community Medicine, Forensic and Toxicology and also Human Right as an elective subject. 

      Anyway, i am not going to chatter away about my subjects. Instead, I want to tell you guys about ways of handling stress. Studying medicine is really stressful. Well nothing is easy right and i think our life is basically about stress actually whether its studying or work or even our problem is correlated with stress.

      For some people, they handle their stress with communicating with others. Sharing and asking for advices are very nice ways to cope with our problems. Don't you think that people who has less problem tend to smile more than ones whose life is miserable? I think this is one of their secret.

      Take a vacation. Changing our sceneries for a while does not mean we are escaping from our problem but if we have the chance to breath in a new view maybe we can think of lots of ways in solving our problems. Other than that, when you go out with your friends they can also comfort you and cheer you up. So no more worries in handling the stress.

      Pray. Having a good bond with God enable ones to think that living and stress is not a big deal as there is a greater purpose of living. They apprehend that stress is a must in life. Besides, praying, reading Quran and dzikr always bring tranquility and serenity to the people who performed them.

      "Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe," without being put to the test?
      We have tested those before them, for GOD must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must expose the liars." Al- Ankabut ( Verse 2 & 3 )

      Eat. It is really not a good method. Actually, when we are stressed, our body tend to secrete "cortisol" hormone into our blood stream. It can create cravings to salty and sweet food when the level is high. So, it can relieve stress but it can also create stress when we realized our weight gain right?

      Do something you love. For me, I like this method best. Know why? Because I loovvee cooking. I like to try new recipes. And i also like to travel. Traveling makes you ponder upon the greatness of Allah's creation and make you realize about your surroundings more. This actually brighten you up for you will then think and know that your problem is just small compared to others. Besides that, I also like to blog of course. Thats why i love to write during my leisure.

      "On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray:) "Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden Like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins, and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; Help us against those who stand against faith." Al-Baqarah ( Verse 286 )

      Anyway, remember that, stress is the thing that can change you into a better person. Without stress, we will take things for granted and will not realized that the importance of certain things in our life. Besides, only you yourself can change stress into a good one or a bad one. Think positive. Try to think that everyone have their ups and downs. 

      Allah knows what we face and do believe that if He gives us this test, He loves us and He wants us to become nearer to Him. So pray to Him, Allah The Almighty. Put your faith in Him. This way, you will slowly relinquish your stress and head for the solution and a better future.

      "When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me; Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me; That they may walk in the right way." Al-Baqarah ( Verse 186 )

      Well. This is basically my own study. Care to share yours okay~ :)
      a story of an old woman and the prophet Muhammad SAW~